
DT27. It is absolutely ridiculous."Anima adds that the attitude of the owners towards these basic complaints reflects poorly on them. Even though we are still bearing the aftermath of the protest, we are glad that the textile shop that employed us and our friends will now ease their strict norms.After a long struggle, it’s finally Mayadevi’s moment to celebrate."However, Arathy Sunil, who works in one of the leading textile shops in Ernakulam, feels the condition of the employees will never change. I hope the amendment brings relief to all of us. It is better to stand rather than getting scolded every day. They are constantly under camera surveillance and they fear their bosses will reprimand them on a daily basis. We were not allowed to sit even if there are no customers at our counters. Many of my co-workers suffer from varicose veins even at the age of 30."There have been similar protests by the staff of other textile shops too. The penalty for not obeying these rules has also been increased to Rs 1 lakh. The amendment of the Kerala Shop and Commercial Establishment Act 1960 has now made it mandatory that the sales staff at textile shops should be allowed to sit during duty hours. In 2014 also, the protests had led the government to make amendments. They demanded better pay, the permission to sit at their respective counters, and the right to use the washroom whenever required. It is the fundamental right of a person to sit whenever he/she feels like. At least then we could sit for a few minutes. Moreover, going to the washroom was like a grave offence.Mayadevi, along with five of her colleagues, had led the 70-day protest against textile giant Kalyan Silks.

The protest led by a group of women to get some basic amenities at work has resulted in a significant victory. Sometimes these women have to stand all day without having their food. However, I cannot comment on it unless I read the Act and know what the exact changes are. We used to pull down the things kept at the lower racks and then sit down and organise them. Backing the statement, Ratheesh, who works at a renowned textile shop in Kottayam, says, "After employing us, these people are very insensitive towards our problems. Moreover, women employees also have to help the customers try on sarees; this makes the wedding season very hectic. This can be considered as a victory for The Asanghatitha Meghala Thozhilali Union (AMTU). But even then the employees could sit in the restroom during the break time only. She sounds excited and relieved when she says, "I am happy that our protests have been worth it."Anima is of the opinion that the owners and the union should understand that the employees, if allowed to sit and use the washrooms, will only be happier. But I am happy that things will change now. This, in turn, would improve their efficiency levels, which, in the long run, will prove beneficial for the shop. Uterus-related issues too are common. How would these lawmakers or shop owners feel if they had to wait for a prescribed time in order to sit, or even urinate? If the new amendment allows the employees to sit at their counters, it is a great relief."Elaborating on the issue, Mayadevi says, "We just wanted to exercise our rights China four way stretch fabric to sit and use the washroom. I feel very sad when pregnant women and others, who are in intense pain during their menstruation, are made to stand like mannequins at the entrances of the shops. Commenting on it, advocate Anima Muyarath, who has been with these women throughout the protest says, "It’s good that the Act has been amended. "According to the amendment, the owners might provide chairs but the truth of the matter is none of the employees are going to sit


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